The idea of “environmental protection” was born not on a whim, but as a result of deep thinking in the face of resource depletion. Most commercial spaces are a compound of various resource consumption. We wanted to use more eco-friendly materials to reduce consumption and make the space more aesthetic. Through this active use of common fundamental materials, reducing construction period, rather than ending up as a lifespan of previous environmentally burdensome products, the aim is to innovate with a spatial design that is characterized by new assembling method.
咖啡品牌baristar的理念是为咖啡师搭建舞台,让咖啡师成为舞台的主角。让咖啡师能够与喜欢咖啡的陌生人们在这个空间中彼此相识、分享与交流。本次设计的最大亮点就是镀锌方钢【模块化】创造性使用。室内同一规格的方钢叠加累积,通过穿插与高度的变化,方钢在不同的位置是不一样的使用状态. 同一体块一侧是桌子,另一个侧可以变为座位。顾客可以在这里聊天,工作,带宠物;多种多样的客人,都可以自由选择室内或者室外,通过行动连通空间,创造出更多交流的场所。
The concept of the coffee brand BARISTAR is to set the stage for baristas to be the leading actors on stage. A space where baristas can meet, share and interact with coffee lovers. The highlight of this design is the creative use of galvanized square steel pipe (modularization). The same size of square steel is stacked and accumulated in the interior, through the interpolation and height change, square steel in different positions is used in various ways. The same steel block includes a table on one side and the other side can be turned into a seating area. Customers can chat, work, take their pets; a wide variety of guests, all free to choose indoors or outdoors, connecting spaces through their action, creating a place to interact more.
The café is located in the Wuhan Tiandi business district, combining environmental protection and brand identity, we chose galvanized square steel pipe, perforated bridges and other fundamental materials as the main feature for the interior. The traditional approach,the excessive use of surface decorative materials,has been reduced. The metal forms a concave and convex profile, and the shadows and reflections from the lamps create an attractive and unique space.
The highlight of this design is the creative use of galvanised square steel, the modular combination concept of square steel. As you enter the café, the space is divided by different square steel modules. The same size of square steel is stacked and accumulated in the interior, through the interpolation and height change, square steel in different positions is used in various ways. On one side are staircases and on the other side are tables and chairs, which can also be used as barista’s operating tables. Customers can chat, work, take their pets; a wide variety of guests, all free to choose indoors or outdoors, connecting spaces through their action, creating a place to interact more.
The long square steel on the ceiling are arranged in groups and crossed, carrying the role of displaying products and dividing the traffic flow , as well as serving as a visual guide to another area. The self-leveling on the floor reflects the silver lustre, making the whole space more uniform and coordinated.
Following the staircase, one enters another area which is also built using the same materials. Galvanised square steel modules are tied into larger masses with straps, one horizontal and one vertical, occupying the visual focus of the space. The transformed combination of bridges, cross arms and fluorescent tubes on the ceiling are the main protagonists of the ceiling and are essential contributors to the atmosphere of the entire space. To the left, a bar is set up, with glass separating two sides, one for the guests and one for the barista. The direct exposure of the keel on the ceiling of the bar supports the structure of the space and sets up the track lighting.
Our project embodies a degree of inclusivity and altruism, mainly in the outdoor space, bordering the area of the outreach section with the community, which provides resting spaces for the people to rest and chill out. It can also enhance brand promotion.
The design is in accord with the green and low-carbon environmental protection concept, mainly reflected in the direct use of basic building materials, reducing the traditional use of surface decoration, reflecting the material propriety characteristics of the structure in the space to a greater extent, amplifying its material aesthetics, hoping to make society pay attention to the basic materials, rather than the extensive use of some non-reusable and highly consumable materials.
Secondly, the square steel, bridges and glass used in the space can be recycled. The interior design is an expression of the design philosophy we have always embraced: we want to convey the values of environmental protection and aesthetics through space design, creating a place that is both people-oriented and aesthetically pleasing, giving the people a special experience and feeling.
The development of media technology largely influences in changing our human activities.
We can communicate with others on the other side of the globe in an instant. It realizes global communication or virtual traveling on the internet, enabling us to understand different culture and their society from any places in the world. As well, in the real world, we can easily experience different culture in the metropolitan cities.
The persistence of the single culture is not accepted on this situation.Mutual understanding is one of most important abilities these days. We believe that design should be reflected from present human activities and their environment. We appreciate their original culture on the process of design. However, in such a multi-cultural society, the design reflected directly from classic culture is not appropriate. We would like to pursue the contemporary interpretation of their culture by challenging to apply new technology and method through the urban, architectural and interior design project.
项目名称:BARISTAR 咖啡
Project name:BARISTAR cafe
Project type: interior
Design: odd (okamoto deguchi design)
Leader designer & Team: Tsutomu Deguchi,Keizo Okamoto, Heng Li,Junwei Di,Yuan Fang, Bei Ye
Contact e-mail: odd_pr@126.com
Completion Year: 2023 Jan
Project location: Wuhan
Gross built area:185 ㎡
Photo credit: Ruijing Photo —Misae Hiromatsu\Song Yuming
odd (okamoto deguchi design)
Materials: Galvanised square steel, Perforated bridges, Corrugated steel sheets, Self-leveling, Stainless steel, Metal buckles, light tubes
Odd设计事务所2015/2017/2019年荣获了安邸AD100奖“100位在中国最具影响力的国际建筑,设计精英”,2020年入围了英国restaurant&bar设计奖,入选TOP DESIGN 100 中国设计头条年签榜残影娱乐休闲设计奖。许多项目发表在著名的室内杂志《室内设计Interior Design》、《安邸AD》、《家居廊ElleDecoration》和《美好家园》,在设计网站“设计邦Designboom”、“印际”“Cool Hunting”和“谷德gooood”。
Odd received AD 100 award “100 top architecture and design talents in China” in 2015,2017and 2019,in 2020,odd shortlisted restaurant&bar design awards,recived CHINA INTERIOR DESIGN ANNUAL TOP 100. Many projects were published in well-known interior magazines ‘Interior Design”, “AD”,”ElleDecoration” and ” Better Homes and Gardens”, and on design website “Designboom”,yinji””Cool Hunting” and “gooood”.