艺廊般优雅,怡登牙医诊所旗舰店 | 张祥镐 Etai Space Design
伊太空间设计事务所创始人张祥镐是一个在两岸享有高知名度的设计艺术总监。其活跃于国际上的各大设计比赛并取得了不俗的成绩。在2015 年、2016、2017 及 2018 年连续 4 年得到德国 IF 设计大奖,2017 年张祥镐更是夺下了 2017 红点金奖 Red dot (best of the best)。同时其还担任中国台湾室内设计专技协会副理事长,一直致力于国际交流重大事务,为设计产业架接一个良好的国际交流平台;并担任 2016 中国台湾室内设计周执行长,将大中华的设计地位提升,带领大家走向国际。
Hsiang Hao, Chang, the founder of Etai Space Design, is a high-profile design art director over the world.He is active in major international design competitions and has achieved good results. In 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, he won the German IF Design Award for 4 consecutive years. In 2017, he also won the Red dot (best of the best) in the 2017 red dot.At the same time, he also served as the vice chairman of the China Taiwan Interior Design Expert Association, has been committed to major international exchanges, and established a good international exchange platform for the design industry; and served as the executive director of the 2016 China Taiwan Interior Design Week, bringing the Greater China The design status is elevated, leading everyone to the world.
If you just accidentally passed by this building, you may be very curious and think it is an art gallery or hair salon. Right behind the glass curtain wall, the designer has displayed all of the spatial elements at the street level.
This project is designed to be the flagship store of the Esthetic Dent clinic group. The scope of services Esthetic Dent provides includes general dental treatment, as wells as cosmetic and surgical treatment services. The owner is quite famous in his professional field. Clients includes celebrities and foreign customers seeking special treatment from other countries.
In addition to serving as a diagnosis and treatment place, the clinic was expected to promote the company brand name recognition at both the local and international level.
基地位于大安区巷弄内,1 至 3 楼为主要治疗区,除了一般诊治外,还设有 X 光室、显微手术椅等,4 楼则为培训及会议空间。
The project site is located in the exquisite Daan district in the center of the city of Taipei. The first three stories of the building contain treatment rooms for general diagnosis, and they are also equipped with an X-ray room and surgical suites. The 4th floor is dedicated for staff training and a conference space.
1、2 楼外立面内敛优雅的风格对应巷弄内的静谧,夜间搭配明亮的灯光设计则显得更为抢眼,客群锁定高消费族群,其中多为经由介绍而来,空间整体风格简洁俐落,衬托医疗专业。
The reserved and elegant style of the façade corresponds to the quietness of the neighborhood. At night, the bright lighting scheme highlights the design feature which aim to be even more eye-catching. The customers targeted are high-consumption elites. The overall style of the space is simple, slick, and refined to support and fortify the medical professional sensibility.
The design that cannot be seen at a glance
The designer took full advantage of the double glazed exterior curtain wall, which allows for the spatial elements to shine from the inside out. Sean emphasized the façade design not only serves as an external visual experience, but rather an indicator ofwhat atmosphere is created from the inside then passed to the outside.In this spirit the patient record files room is hidden behind the reception counter, tucked away rather than creating the typically visual clutter condition.
1 楼右方为病例室及柜台,将其隐藏避免视觉杂乱;中央则为诊间与植栽;左方设有等候区,以较具休闲感的实木搭接铁件桌椅,除了具有建筑线条细节,亦能中和灰色调空间的冷淡感;最后则为由业主夫人制作的艺术品,将牙齿显微摄影再后制上色。
On the right side of the first floor is the case room and counter. The central treatment rooms and waiting area are to the left decorated with greenery and has a more casual sense of solid wood and iron detailed furniture used to neutralize the coldness of the gray tone space. Throughout the space there are micrographic photo works created by the owner‘s wife.
诊疗专业、情感暖度、设计、艺术 …… 立面视觉元素十分多元,或许会令人误会其空间用途,但细思深探其中逻辑,却又不脱离“牙科医疗”主轴。
The specialties of diagnosis, treatment and design, art are various diverse visual elements coexisting in the space but may cause confusion and misunderstanding of the actual function of the place. But delve into the well of organized design logic that is consistently following the “dentistry” axis theme and all starts to make sense.
Speaking about a design that cannot be seen at a glance, Sean believes that this kind of cognitive misplacement is very rare for contemporary city dwellers who overly emphasize fastness and efficiency. Space design does not necessarily need to clearly indicate its attributes and functions, and sometimes ambiguous design can promote a desire to explore.
Representation of medical treatment as design theme
The designer uses a symmetrical approach to avoid undesirable visual perceptions. The treatment rooms‘ configuration and design emphasize the central axis. In addition, use of a linear type of light fixture and underside mirror reflections were added to lengthen the spatial proportions.
1 楼于中轴上种植植栽,除了作为重点并为空间点缀暖意,张祥镐亦体贴病患面对牙齿治疗时的情绪,以植栽作为诊间之间的温柔阻隔,避免与他人直接视线接触;2 楼则将中轴化作艺廊展间,以金属框搭配灰色玻璃,以灯带烘托艺术氛围。
On the first floor, greenery placed along the central axis serve as partitions that create privacy between the treatment zones. They carry on the same concept as the axis transformed into gallery space on the second floor surrounded with gray color glass and metal framing.
诊间设计则自治疗行为发想及转化,1、2 楼的诊间由 3 个元素组成,上下为深色透明玻璃,灰色墙面代表原先的牙齿,需要经由铁件的固定再套上珐琅板所象征的牙套,而这样的工法不仅只为美学装饰,墙面的支撑亦依靠着玻璃及外围铁件,使形状的生成具备更深度的意涵。
The lower level treatment room design is inspired and transformed from the usual dentistry treatment procedures. With dark transparent glass above and below, the gray wall represents one‘s original teeth. And the enamel panels and metal pieces represent the applied braces and retainers during the treatment. While the braces are symbolized by the plate this method is not only for aesthetic decoration as the support of the wall also depends on glass and peripheral iron parts so that the generation of the shape has a deeper meaning.
On third floor, there are more diverse treatment spaces and VIP suites. The rooms‘ designs are derived from the lower level design idea but enclosed with glass panels and combined with lighting strata to emphasize spatial transparency.
Enhance the medical profession
Lighting plays a major role in distinguishing the public zone from the private treatment space. A fresh brightness is the overall atmospheric tone to project a pristine and hygienic clinical image.
In the public domain, generous indirect light is used to enhance the spatial décor and to soften the typical medical facility‘s alienating feeling. Linear continuous lighting is also employed to lengthen the spatial visual perception.
The lighting strategy inside the treatment room is focused on meeting functional needs, and the treatment spot light above the dental chair is the main light source of the space. The surrounding countertop task light is for tech preparation and general balanced darker ambient light for the room.
Designer Chang concluded that the actual construction aspects, i.e. installation of utility piping and ductwork, for this 4 story project was relatively simple.
The main challenge for the design team was how to implement a design and esthetic ideas that interfaces with the corresponding technical medical requirements. Because this is a professional medical treatment facility, the entire design team, including the owner of the project, had to carefully calculate, study and coordinate the critical dimensional requirements for specific pieces of equipment. The patient and health-care provider circulation sequence and space functions had to work without sacrificing any professional needs in combination with the methods and spatial atmosphere to set off the owner’s medical profession.