Mia Fringe Studio:梦境般的美学空间 | Area-17
如何在钢筋水泥的森林里拥有一个童话世界?根植于意大利浓厚艺术环境的Area-17事务所,为上海这座城市献上了它的答案——Mia Fringe Studio。这个充满梦幻色彩的空间,犹如童话世界一般,给人以美的享受。
在Mia Fringe Studio 里,客人们会发现表达自己的创造力有无限的可能性,她/他们将在离开这个地方时转变为焕然一新的自己。Mia Fringe Studio是一个用来研究、发现和完善自己的非凡的地方。Area-17 将这个美容沙龙设计为一个充满魔力的童话森林,整体设计美感影射着漫画文化。
Inside Mia Fringe Studio guests will discover endless possibilities to express their creativity, and they will leave transformed into a surprisingly new version of themselves. Mia Fringe Studio is then an extraordinary place of research, discovery, and metamorphosis. Area-17 designed the beauty salon as an enchanted forest where this magic happens, with an overarching aesthetic clearly hinting to manga culture.
Botanical shapes pop up all around, from the glass partitions to the 3d ceiling fixture, from the hair saloon mirrors’ outlines to the bubble-rooms of the nail area. Here and there, candy-colored marble disks hang on walls, like magic fruits from a fantastic dimension.
Three mysterious vertical figures at the hearth of the salon look like they may start dancing and talking at any moment, dragging clients into their dreamy manga world.
While the color palette is mostly made of whites and grays, the pink accents provide a playful yet incisive contrast. Almost like a marshmallow, it does create an un-real sponge and edible effect, as opposite to the salt-and-pepper hard, marble surface of the Terrazzo flooring. Canned mirrors and glasses arouse water-like vibrations all over the place, as if in anticipation of something which is about to happen.
事实上,就像在很多童话故事里一样,镜子也在Studio 的很多区域里扮演着重要的角色:在衣帽间,它们扭曲了对空间的感知,创造了无限延展的效果;在香波区,天花板的反射也创造了溪水川流不息的错觉。
Indeed, as it occurs in fairy tales, mirrors play an important role in many areas of the studio: in the cloakroom, they twist the perception of space, creating an effect of infinity; in the shampoo area, the reflecting ceiling creates the illusion of a flowing stream.
设计师在设计过程中给予了灯光特别的关注。光线对于造型艺术家的创作而言尤其重要,座位区打出强而专注的光线,其它地方则尽量采用柔光和自然光。光线对于帮助客人营造童话世界的心境,引领她/他们在Mia Fringe 的全程体验,以及帮助她/他们准备好迎接全新的自己都非常重要。
A special attention has been paid to lighting design. Light is strong and aimed at the working stations where the artists perform but otherwise soft and natural. Light is crucial to immerse clients in a relaxed mood, guiding the through the full Mia Fringe experience, and preparing them to enjoy their new self, outside in the real world.
Mia Fringe Studio 在功能方面是一个极具创新的项目,它将美发沙龙、化妆、美甲这样传统的服务与符合当代需求的美妆教室、会议室和网红时尚博主KOL 摄影棚等新功能相结合,博主和客人们都可以用Mia Fringe Studio充满创意的环境作为背景拍摄视频和照片。
Mia Fringe Studio is also an extremely innovative project in terms of functions, as it combines traditional services such as Hair Saloon, Make Up, Nails, with new features that match contemporary needs, like classrooms for seminar sessions and meetings or the KOL shooting area, where influencers can make their videos using the fairy-tale background of Mia Fringe Studio environments.
项目名称: Mia Fringe Studio
项目地点:上海, 中国
设计团队:Area-17 Architecture & Interiors
项目摄影:Dirk Weiblen