INTERNI. The Magazine of Interiors and Contemporary Design

DPD 新作 | 顺时逆时:surely. 混沌意识下的艺术空间,杭州

Chronological Reverse Time: surely.  Chaos Art Space, Hangzhou



Up Time for Birth, Inverse Time for Reveal




The level of economics development is rapid when the rise of cities, it is inseparable from the rapid development of industrialization in the past. Perhaps, people who could like the new things then will put the old things away in their psychology, thus, they will forget the historical of the architecture, a part of survivals avoid to destroy, reuse to rebirth, then keep its worth to be continues. Unfortunately, many survivals will lose in vision of audiences, destroy in ashes, can’t reach the future.



大隐隐于市,业主 surely. 结缘一座前身为国营服装钩边线工厂的建筑,它如同一座遗世独立的建筑容器,期望承载着人们对美好生活的憧憬和期许,构建一方理想天地。如何找到恰当的方式,回应其在当下的时代价值,对充当关键角色的设计师来说,这无疑是最具挑战性的考验,也正是探讨空间建设时最微妙的思考。看似无用之地并非拙象而的存在,它就在有用之地的周围并延伸开去,在混沌之中找到属于自己的秩序。


Hidden in the corner of the city, the building was a costume machining factory before surely, is such as a vessel of architectural left behind, it carries many people’s expectations and dreams for their life, creates a place for their imagination. How to find an appropriate way to reply the problem of value? As designer, this is a big challenge without doubt, also is a good question to consider how to create and build the space. Such as you can found a way that only for your sequence during the messy world, in the other hand, you will think about that place looks like a useless, but actually it’s a good place for use and just up to your mind how to think about it.



在品牌愿景的支撑下,DPD 香港递加设计以时间性作为思考原点,在混沌无序的荒废颓败旧工厂中,巧妙运用时间上的错位感,创造内与外、物与空间之间的落差,展现「逆时而生,顺时而现」的空间脉络,为观者提供更深刻且富有意蕴的场所体验。


In accordance with branding, Design Plus Design use timeliness as a focus point, and they ingenious use the sense of dislocation in time to create a difference between inside and outside, between object and space, to pop up the concept about ” Up Time for Birth, Inverse Time for Reveal”, thereby provide a deeply and meaningful experience for the space.


△ 艺术园区整合了品牌旗下的不同业态

△ The art area including all kinds of branding in their industry




Designers keep the material of color mixed to create a new space, and then used that material patterns to keep continue create an interior and exterior space, and connect them together to make a difference, thus, to pop up the “TIME REVERSAL” concept, given a big surprise to audience to create a special experience at the space; secondly, giving up too much interior design decorations, make more negative spaces to provide high-end decorations for display. Basically, create a difference with the old space that make more space for the future of sustainable development to leave the use of flexibility. Finally, the designer make the urban’s dreamland come true that is a shop including coffee, fashion, products and art exhibition etc.


△ 落地玻璃隐约穿透出粗粝的旧建筑结构;


△ Floor to ceiling glass looms through the rough and old building structure; the tropical plant that moves from a thousand miles away, and work in concert with same styles as indoor.



1 | 时光肌理,和而不同

1 | Texture of Time, Harmony in Diversity




The whole space including three old school buildings, one is the main building and other two deputy buildings. In order to preserve the structural integrity of the old buildings, most of the exterior walls are wrapped in white waterproof paint, so that the different height and shape of the body for building and it presents an integrated visual experience. The reason of ” Light Gives a Beauty from Drama”, designer focus on the shape of building: how to make more natural light into the main building which is facing east and west to minimize the sense of isolation of the original space building.




Therefore, the designer chose to increase the floor-to-ceiling windows, while setting the lateral “LINEAR OPENINGS”. According the time, weather and the flow of unpredictable natural light, through the opening into the interior to form a rich shadow and lines, so let the space get rid of boring, become active. We can see the horizontal and vertical lines on the surface of building were created an interesting geometric.


△ 变幻莫测的自然光线,透过开口投入室内,


△ The unpredictable natural light through the opening into the interior, made the

space get rid of dullness, to become clever and active. 


△ 扭形楼梯与天花的流动形装置,打破空间规整的格局

△ The twisting staircase and the flowing device of ceiling break the pattern of spatial orderliness.




When you moving your step to the main building, you will surprise to discover that wall was paint, again you will see the texture of rough, emitting a simple atmosphere, heavy and steady, mixed with the ages of the years. Exquisite art installations stand alone in a corner, embracing the entire space in an introverted manner. The interplay of finesse and grit creates dramatic conflict, but inadvertently smooths out the wrinkles in the lives of people who spend their days in concrete and steel.


△ 精致的艺术装置物独处一角,以内敛的姿态拥抱整个空间

△ Delicate art decoration located alone in a corner that embrace the whole space in a introverted manner


△ 墙体在经历洗刷后,再次呈现斑驳粗旷的质感

△ After all the walls have been painted, the texture is mottled and rough again


△ 细腻与粗粝的相互交织,产生了戏剧化的冲突

△ The interplay of finesse and grit creates a dramatic conflict.




Texture of wall and natural light of scattered, a continuous chemical reaction, the texture of rough with light and dark; the light falls on the floor of the grain in clear, refract the fine grain of indifferent, sometimes the temperature of time rubs, that confirm from the designer, that make the impression decoration elements what designer want it, and the designer want to use this impression decoration elements to make a power of timeless do the effection in this space. 


△ 斑驳的墙体肌理与散入的自然光线,使粗糙的纹理有了明暗的加持

△ The mottled wall texture and scattered natural light, so that the rough texture has a bright and dark blessing.



2 | 彼此无间,自由晃荡

2 | They are all together, and free to roam




The stair is an important concept at the space. At the same time the white twisting stair is a signature spot at the space. It’s also an important path to break the routine in a whole environment. One layer at the time, and gradually enjoy the scenery. The handrail side bar is made of transparent material, and the border between the upper and lower parts of the handrail makes the limited space less cramped and transparent, let the people enjoy this place and free to discover a new thing they don’t know it.



△ The curve shape of stair extends from first floor to third floor, achieving a coherent narrative of the space.



△ The sidebar use a classic marble material in the glasses that extends the rhythmic sense of the order into the space at the second floor.







The first floor has coffee bar at the main building. Wander through the airy spaces, drawn at any moment by the swirling aroma of coffee in the air. Overall, the space color pallet is neutral that want to make the food more impressive when you having meal. Stay alone and found a spot, you can taste caffeine in your mouth, feeling it gives you rich layer to make your soul calm down and think about some good things will happen in the future.


△ 建筑是不会说故事的,但是楼梯却可以传达故事

△ Buildings don’t tell stories, but stairs tell stories.


△ 发亮的 TOM DIXON 壁灯,犹如黑暗中蜡烛的微光

△ The TOM DIXON lamp on the wall was on, like the glimmer of a candle in the darkness.





位于副建筑一层的选品店,在白色的旋转门搭配黑色的陀螺椅下,则多了几分玩味与趣意。室内空间在门板的开与合中若隐若现,制造出相当的神秘感。蓝色亚克力制的展示盒,是提亮空间的重要角色,衬以大理石和凹凸不锈钢面制成的展示台,材质的反差呼应了空间的玩味基调,更渗透出选品店的独有精神 —— 「我不给你全世界,只想给你我心中理想的世界」。


Located in the first floor of the sub-building of the shop, in the white revolving door with the top of black chair, it will be more fun and interesting. They creating a considerable sense of mystery between the door open and close at the interior space. The blue acrylic display boxes are an important role in the whole space also can improving lighting in the space, the display table made by marble and concave-convex stainless steel surface, the material difference make the space affection more interesting and fun.


△ 室内空间在门板的开与合中若隐若现,营造出神秘感

△ They creating a considerable sense of mystery between the door open and close at the interior space.


△ 光线透过外墙的玻璃砖透进室内空间

△ Light is introduced into the store through the glass bricks.



△ 不同材质的反差呼应了空间的玩味基调

△ Use the interesting tone to make a contrast with different material


△ 富有质感的家具错落有致地穿插在场地中

△ The furniture with rich sense of texture is interspersed in the field in an orderly manner





来到与 surely·Lounge 接壤的服装空间,很容易会被异域的风情所打动。柔和的拱形线条,参差错落的竹条天花,是这里独特的设计语言。墙体的颗粒组成有别于旧有的建筑纹理,海外引进的砂石、米黄石等石材构成的墙面,让室内外空间实现自然的转换过渡。跳动的色彩、富有张力的线条、形态各异的工艺品、鲜活的植被搭配素雅的服饰,生机与情调从中悄然萌动,流露出浪漫的夏日情愫。


Move your step, we are here. It’s a fashion spot connect with the gazebo, then we can easy to be touch with the exotic style. The soft arched lines, jagged with the ceiling with bamboo that is the special design language they are used. They used the grain composition of the wall is different from the old fashion texture of building, and also the wall made of sand stone, yellow stone and other type of the stone materials imported from abroad makes the transition between indoor and outdoor space.


△ 入门口巧妙地放置了先锋艺术家雕塑原作,生机与情调从中悄然萌动

△ The entrance cleverly places the original works of avant-garde artists’ sculptures to make the space livelier.


△ 墙体的颗粒组成有别于旧有的建筑纹理,让室内外空间实现自然的转换过渡

△ The grain composition of the wall is different from the old architectural texture, which makes the transition between indoor and outdoor spaces natural


△ 柔和的拱形线条,参差错落的竹条天花,是这里独特的设计语言

△ The soft arched lines, jagged with the ceiling with bamboo that is the special design language they are used.


△ 多种异域风情的元素混搭,流露出浪漫的夏日情愫

△ A mix of exotic elements reveals a romantic summer vibes.






The dry reed make the garden livelier, pure and pretty, let the people imagine theirs in

the foreign country. you can enjoy this environment give your space to relax. Under the sun, we can enjoy a day here, and you will see the cutting of the wall make a different shadow shape as if your daily life full of love make your blank brain full of the color.


△ 干芦苇,在煦阳下飘摇不定、摇曳生姿,


△ The dry reed make the garden more lively, pure and pretty,

let the people imagine their in the foreign country.


△ 在这里,一笑一语皆为好景致

△ You can enjoy this environment give your space to relax.






They carefully selected an art work is not only a simple ornament, it is also adding the narrative to the space to connect the past and present are create a dialogue between the visitor and space.



3 | 完美,不完美

3 | Perfect and Imperfect




The whole design project to be done by one year, the designer use their design to think about how to express “PERFECT and IMPERFECT” topic in the space. In the process, the designer goes through overturning and replaying the design scheme, rebuilding and then demolishing the wall, and constantly replacing the soft-fitting display, which is full of various imperfect factors rather, it is a process of design co-creation that continues to interact with each other and spirals upward.  “When a building is built, it’s not set in stone, it’s keeping change and convey a message to the world.” It is because of the “IMPERFECTION” brought about by various changes that the cooperation and spatial presentation of the “PERFECTION” between them is promoted.


△ 甲乙双方持续互相影响的设计共创

△ Creating by both sides of the corporation


△ 施工现场

△ Construction Site


△ 整体建筑群平面图

△ Overall Building Plan



项目基本信息 –


室内设计 | DPD 香港递加设计
项目地址 | 中国 杭州
室内面积 |  1000 ㎡
设计时间 | 2018年3月-6月
施工时间 | 2018年6月-2019年6月
设计团队|Gaby Teng、叶剑茹、郑洽鑫,邓茹心
工程团队 | 莫自豪,Tomson Leung
软装设计 | 邵露,林镇
主要材料 | 特殊漆、水磨石、原实木、超白玻璃
摄影 | 张大齐,林镇

Interior Design | Design Plus Design
Design Range | Building Facede Design, Interior Design, Lighting Design
Project Address | Hangzhou, China
Interior Area | 1000 ㎡
Design Time | March-June 2018
Completed Time | June 2018-June 2019
Design Director | Michael Lam
Design Team | Gaby Teng, Kimyu Yip, Isaac Cheng , Carol Teng
Engineering Team | Seven Mok, Tomson Leung
Main Material | Special Paint, Terrazzo, Original Solid Wood, Ultra-white Glass
Photographer | Daqi Zhang, Michael Lam





林镇 DPD递加设计创始人/85后杰出设计师/新锐当代艺术藏家


香港理工大学设计学硕士,后于英国皇家艺术学院进修可持续设计,并成为巴塞罗那艺术大学驻广州大使。2012年创立「香港递加设计(DPD)」后,相继创立商业茶饮品牌 「HUNCHA 混茶」、生活品牌「俩」生活研究所和艺术板块「WOOART」,成为设计、商业、艺术复合模式的深度研究者。


近年来他实践的艺术生活商业结合的作品包揽了包括德国IF AWARDS,意大利A‘DESIGN,美国Best of Year,韩国KDESIGN等数十个国际级最有含金量的奖项,成为85后新锐设计师的领军人物。


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