INTERNI. The Magazine of Interiors and Contemporary Design

Mim Design | NNH 住宅


NNH住宅坐落于绿树成荫的莫尔文小镇(Malvern)的一条宽阔的林荫道上,由Mim Design设计建成,巧妙结合了低调的奢华、家庭的温暖和绝伦的工艺。

Located on a wide, tree lined street in leafy Malvern, NNH Residence by Mim Design is a refined blend of understated luxury and familial warmth, the calibre of its artisanship unparalleled.



Emma Tulloch Architects周到的空间规划,把握整体的设计精神以及对细节的关注,使得内部空间和建筑形式之间贯穿一致风格,其中复合材料的使用、深度的触感体验又平衡了高雅的审美与体贴的宜居性。

Thoughtful spatial planning, a holistic design ethos and considered attention to detail establish a consistent language between the interior and the architectural form by Emma Tulloch Architects, where a layered materials palette and a depth of tactility balances an elevated aesthetic with thoughtful liveability.



Mim Design考虑到了对客户对豪华汽车的热爱,在精密的细节和耐用的材料之间找到了平衡,使用天然石材与拉丝质感、做旧和黑色的合成金属相匹配,抛光的石膏与丰富的木材色调相辅相成,豪华的软木墙体充满了温馨感,带来家的感觉。

In homage to the client’s love of fine automobiles, Mim Design has found equilibrium between the refined finesse of precision detailing and durable materials. Natural stone is married with brushed, aged and blackened mixed metal detailing. Polished plaster is offset by rich timber hues. And luxe, upholstered walls imbued with experiential warmth make this house a home.



比例是一个关键的设计因素。 细木工工艺和的固态的雕塑,如流动的楼梯和褶皱纹理的墙砖,形成了扩大和缩小空间规模的张力。

Proportion was a key design consideration. Joinery and solid sculptural features such as the flowing staircase and pleated wall tiles, find a tension between honouring the scale of the space whilst also grounding it.




Oversized fluted forms in the formal living room anchor the fireplace, and solid monolithic pieces are softened by sweeping curves and grand steel sliding doors that mirror the scale of the surrounding glazing.



使用天然石材衔接室内和室外,室内开阔的视野设计和集中式天窗方便欣赏房屋周围的景观。 厨房吧台便呈现了这种完美衔接,台面用坚硬的大理石雕刻而成,且吧台的地面也使用的是同样材料。

An authentic connection between the interior and exterior is established via the use of natural stone throughout, while the surrounding landscape is welcomed in via large outlooks and centralized skylights. Exemplifying this seamless coupling is the kitchen island bench, carved from solid marble and arising from flooring clad in the aforementioned stone.




Juxtaposing this nod to the elements is the client’s collection of model cars, presented in custom brass cabinetry and positioned within an eight-car garage that houses life-sized counterparts and a secondary gallery-cum-entertainment space.



这个项目推进速度迅速,从概念到动工其间还不到一年,靠的是短时间内一系列有启发性的想法。 NNH住宅是Mim Design与客户之间经过深思熟虑的合作成果,这位客户也是一个开发商,同样追求卓越的设计和建设。

This fast-tracked project – with concept through to breaking ground in under a year – encouraged a lightning round of inspired imagining. NNH Residence is a considered collaboration between Mim Design and a client who also played developer, equally committed to excellence in design and construction.


*图片文字由Mim Design提供


关于Mim Design / ABOUT Mim Design


Mim Design位于墨尔本的南雅拉区(South Yarra),是一个跨学科的工作室。工作室由一群有创意的设计师组成,擅长室内建筑设计、室外设计、定制家具和工业设计,造型设计、创意品牌方向和建筑整合,在工作中分享专业设计知识和灵感。

Mim Design is a multi-disciplinary practice located in South Yarra, Australia. The studio presently consists of a team of creative individuals who share design expertise and inspiration through a wide range of skills such as interior architecture design, exterior design, custom furniture and industrial design, styling, creative brand direction and architectural integration.

工作室秉持着协作的精神,从一个概念产生、成熟到产出,从签订协议到最终的建设过程,无处不汇集了全体设计师的想法,他们希望客户和相关设计顾问能参与到一个项目的交付过程中。Mim Design的设计原则是质量、定制化的设计和永恒性。团队的专业知识基础,加上个人的兴趣,创造出多样性和灵活性,为每个项目提供一种新的思维方式,获得最大限度的灵感、收获和兴奋。

With a collaborative approach the studio environment achieves a strong pool of idea formulation, conception and production through to documentation and final construction, favouring client involvement as well as associated consultants when delivering projects. Mim Design’s principles are that of quality, custom design and timeless nature. The knowledge basis of the team, with individual interests, creates versatility and flexibility, as well as a new way of thinking for every project to maximize inspiration, achievement and excitement.


关于创始人Miriam Fanning / ABOUT Miriam Fanning


Miriam Fanning拥有超过20年的室内设计师的经验,在设计行业树立了良好的声誉。Miriam Fanning参与过不同类型的设计项目,范围涵盖私人住宅、商品房、酒店、零售店和大型的零售门店。作为Mim Design的创始人,Miriam相信周围环境的给她的连续启发,赋予每个项目设计感,同时达到合理使用空间的目的。她拥有维护和融合客户关系的能力,不管是Mim Design的客户,还是自己的设计团队,都能在工作室感受到亲切的氛围。Miriam致力于探索视觉效果和达到高质量标准,确保每个项目都得到合理的考量和精心的设计。

With over 20 year experience as an Interior designer, Miriam has built a strong reputation in the design industry. Miriam has been involved in many types of design projects ranging from residential both individual and multi, through to hospitality, hotel, retail and large scale retail. Miriam, the founding director of Mim Design, believes in continually being inspired by surrounding environments and seeks a strong sense of design and rational use of purpose for each individual project. Her ability to nurture and meld client relationships ensures the studio is an approachable environment for both clients and the team at Mim Design. Miriam’s passion for visually exploring and achieving high quality standards ensures each project is well considered, crafted and designed for a reason.
