INTERNI. The Magazine of Interiors and Contemporary Design

SCDA丨KL house


In the middle of bustling Kuala Lumpur, this house is conceived as an enclave from the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur. The landscape, architecture and interiors keep the environment, culture and climate of the site well into consideration throughout the design process. Each component of the design is broken down to volume, line and plane, maintaining inspiration from classical architecture and design.

地处吉隆坡城市之中,SCDA的新作KL house以其独特的建筑手法圈绘出了喧嚣闹市中的一方净土。 作为一个集景观、建筑和室内设计为一体的设计项目,KL house将对于当地环境,人文与气候的考量最大限度的融入了设计过程之中。遵照经典建筑设计手法所传承的空间概念,项目中的每一个设计元素都依托“线、面、体”的抽象设计蓝本而存在。



The Architecture is a sequence of both interior and exterior spaces, informed by light, material and the clarity of structure. The façade of the residence is nothing other than structured and aligned. The rigidness of the architecture is contrasted with the materials and the proportions that clad building and wrap around the landscape. The linearity and proportions of the timber, stone, and earth, naturally create a composition that inclines to one’s own place making.




In response to the tropical climate of Malaysia, the elements of the façade ware carefully considered. Kuala Lumpur house form intends to re-imagine the concept of verandas. The depth of the window allows the dweller to take advantage of natural ventilation. The sliding screens further forms the integral response to tropical climates. It tempers the heat and glare of the sun and also adds the rich layering tropical element, interlacing the play between opaque walls and transparent glass.

基于马来西亚的热带气候环境,KL House对于立面元素的设计也给予了充分的考量。居住空间的建筑形态设计旨在重塑“檐廊”的空间概念,外窗的进深则为居住者提供了自然通风的可能性,而可滑动蔽幕的设计则是建筑对于热带气候条件机动性的回应策略。木制蔽幕的设置缓冲了外部环境的高温与太阳直射,同时也通过层叠介入丰富了实体的墙面与通透的玻璃之间的视觉互动。



SCDA is well known to bring the presence of nature and strongly conceived at KL house. The deep recessed windows are lined up with timber panels trimmed with aluminum, line all of glazing. This allows the warmth of the material to express itself as a transitional threshold between the interior and exterior.

KL House的室内空间考量沿袭了SCDA独特的设计理念,将自然之景以建筑手法引入人居空间。木制板材拓充出内嵌的外窗的立体几何形态,辅以铝型材线条勾勒出自然而清晰的结构外观。同时,木制建筑材料所呈现出的视觉温度也使之成为室内室外空间转换中自然的过渡介质。



Courtyards are experienced sequentially and hierarchically through a choreographed procession of the house. They are designed to heighten to experience of the user with light, sound, touch, and sight. Throughout the design process, the architecture and court spaces are given equal importance. This plays a key role, not only does it allow for the architecture to inform the court yard space, but the courtyards, in return, shaping the architectural form. The imposition of the courtyards was a method to re-imagine living in the tropics through an exploration of negative space between interior and exte­rior spaces.

沿着建筑内部精心打造的空间进程,景观庭院有序而层次分明的呈现在眼前,进而提升了居住者身处空间中对于光、声、触、视的感知。在设计的过程当中,景观庭院与建筑本体被赋予了同等重要的空间地位,而这正是KL House的核心设计理念;在建筑本体勾勒庭院形态的同时,庭院空间也反之塑造着建筑体量。借由对景观庭园的空间性强调,KL House的设计意旨即通过探索室内与室外之间的负形空间,尝试运用经典空间手法重新诠释热带环境下的人居空间理念。





ID Wall Main Materials:

Oak Wood Veneer
Bianco Statuario Marble
Sandy Beige Granite


ID Floor Main Materials:

Satin Beige Marble
White Oak Timber
Copper Tree Sculpture by:
Mehrdad Tafreshi (


Main Furniture Supplier:

Christian Liaigre



Soo K. Chan

Soo K. Chan 先生是 SCDA 建筑设计事务所的创始人及设计总监。SCDA 专注于开展多元化的专 业设计,包括建筑、室内、景观和产品设计。SCDA 在新加坡、上海和纽约三地均设有办公室。目前公司设计项目已遍布世界范围内超过 70 个国家和地区。

Soo Chan 先生曾多次荣获设计奖项,例如美国建筑师协会纽约分会及国际奖,英国皇家建筑师学会国际奖,及首届新加坡总统设计奖等众多奖项。硕士毕业于耶鲁大学的 Chan 先生目前也是新加坡国立大学建筑系客座教授,并在国际领域内从事教学与学术活动。
