INTERNI. The Magazine of Interiors and Contemporary Design

NIO house“不打烊心情图书馆”:探索书中的奇幻世界



NIO house“不打烊心情图书馆”是一个通过包括朗诵、阅读、倾听等类型在内的丰富特殊阅读体验活动而实现的多场地装置项目。













项目名称: 深海无眠——NIO house“不打烊心情图书馆”

建筑事务所:odd (okamoto deguchi design)设计事务所

项目建筑师: 冈本庆三Keizo Okamoto, 出口勉Tsutomu Deguchi,邹声闻 Shengwen Zou,方雪妮Xueni Fang

项目地点: 北京市东城区东方新天地蔚来汽车体验店

完成年份: 2018年9月

建筑面积: 500㎡






The rapid expansion of Information Technology that tremendously and gradually changing our way of living enables us to associate with any other people and spaces in a second through the continuously innovative communication mode. The implement of global library or visual travelling on the internet maximally broadens the road for us to access every different society and culture. Meanwhile, in reality, the city we are living currently is surrounded by diverse cultures, which embodies a kaleidoscopic metropolitan atmosphere. It is quite a hardship for unitary culture to survive, that is to say, the mutual understanding and cultural inclusiveness are the most indispensable capabilities regarding to design as they are crucial to live through in the urbanism.


We faithfully stick to the idea that design should always be the mirror of living condition and living environment reflecting the various portraits of mankind.

So to speak, our design projects are all characterized by respecting cultural diversity. However, it is tough to satisfy the mixed-cultural society by transplanting the sheer classicism directly into specific design idea. No matter in urban design, architectural design or interior design, we will always pursue the innovation of material utilization, and persevere in the application of those most cutting-edge and contemporary techniques to elaborate the uniqueness of every different culture.

odd设计事务所自创立以来,设计作品得到来自国内外的广泛关注。曾获美国 Interior Design HiP Awards Design Leader: Hospitality、a&d Trophy Awards、意大利A’DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION、韩国Asia Design Prize、ID+G国际空间设计大奖银奖、AD100等等。

Since the establishment of odd, our design projects have gained a lot of concerns from domestic and overseas. odd is honored to be awarded prizes from Interior Design HiP Awards Design Leader: Hospitality, a&d Trophy Awards, Italy A’DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION, Korea Asia Design Prize, ID+G, AD 100, etc.



出口 勉(DEGUCHI Tsutomu),1981年出生于日本埼玉县,曾就读于大阪艺术大学艺术学部城市环境景观设计专业,武藏野美术大学建筑学硕士。曾获2019年美国室内设计杂志主办HiP Awards Design Leader: Hospitality奖项。追求以专业现代的设计手法来阐释不同文化空间的独特特征,2012年odd创始人。

DEGUCHI Tsutomu was born in Saitama-ken Prefecture, Japan in 1981.  Studied in Landscape Architecture at the Osaka University of Arts and obtained a master’s degree in architecture from Musashino University of Arts. He has won the 2019 Interior Design HiP Awards Design Leader: Hospitality. Deguchi Tsutomu always pursues the unique characteristics of different cultural spaces with professional and modern design techniques, became the co-founder of okamoto deguchi design in 2012.

冈本 庆三(OKAMOTO Keizo),1980年出生于日本静冈县,荷兰代尔夫特工业大学城市规划设计硕士。专业从事建筑设计、空间及景观设计,擅长将先进的设计理念融入到多元文化交汇的空间格局中,2012年odd创始人。

OKAMOTO Keizo was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan in 1980. He specializes in architectural design, spatial and landscape design after obtaining the master’s degree in Urban Planning from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. OKAMOTO Keizo is expert in incorporating advanced design concepts into the spatial pattern of multiculturalism, became the co-founder of okamoto deguchi design in 2012.
